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Hotel Honolulu
[Paperback - 2001]
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List Price: $14
Our Price: Rs.975 Rs.877
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.98
The Great Railway Bazaar
[Paperback - 2008]
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List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.2045 Rs.1840
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.205
Mother Land
[Hardback - 2017]
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List Price: £20
Our Price: Rs.2475 Rs.2227
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.248
The Mosquito Coast
[Paperback - 2015]
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List Price: £8.99
Our Price: Rs.1895 Rs.1326
Standard Discount: 30%
You Save: Rs.569

My Secret History (a Novel)
[Paperback - 2011]
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List Price: £17.99
Our Price: Rs.3045 Rs.2588
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.457
Poems For Travellers: Macmillan Collector's Library
[Hardback - 2017]
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List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.2445 Rs.2078
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.367
En La Llanura De Las Serpientes: Viajes Por Los Caminos De México / On The Plain Of Snakes: A Mexican Journey
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $19.95
Our Price: Rs.3895 Rs.3311
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.584
The Comedians
[Paperback - 2005]
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List Price: $18
Our Price: Rs.3145 Rs.2673
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.472

Cape Cod
[Paperback - 1987]
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List Price: $19
Our Price: Rs.3295 Rs.2801
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.494
Journey Without Maps
[Paperback - 2006]
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List Price: $24
Our Price: Rs.3995 Rs.3396
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.599
The Vanishing Point:Stories
[Hardback - 2025]
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List Price: $30
Our Price: Rs.7945 Rs.6753
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.1192
Sunrise With Seamonsters
[Paperback - 1986]
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List Price: $21.95
Our Price: Rs.5845 Rs.4968
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.877

My Other Life
[Paperback - 1997]
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List Price: $22.95
Our Price: Rs.6245 Rs.5308
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.937
Kowloon Tong:a Novel Of Hong Kong
[Paperback - 1998]
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List Price: $15.95
Our Price: Rs.4245 Rs.3608
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.637
Blinding Light:a Novel
[Paperback - 2006]
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List Price: $23.99
Our Price: Rs.6395 Rs.5436
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.959
The Lower River
[Paperback - 2013]
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List Price: $18.99
Our Price: Rs.5045 Rs.4288
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.757

Picture Palace:a Novel
[Paperback - 2014]
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List Price: $19.99
Our Price: Rs.5345 Rs.4543
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.802
Saint Jack:a Novel
[Paperback - 2014]
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List Price: $14.95
Our Price: Rs.4095 Rs.3481
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.614
Mr. Bones:Twenty Stories
[Paperback - 2015]
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List Price: $14.95
Our Price: Rs.4145 Rs.3523
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.622
Under The Wave At Waimea
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $16.99
Our Price: Rs.4595 Rs.3906
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.689